
We at TLCC quantify Giving as your time, availability, talent, service, and treasure – financial- inkind support. Our approach to Giving  & Financial Support is rooted in the Biblical Fact that God Loves a Cheerful Giver.

  • We will never pressure, badger, belittle, or condescend, an individual for the amount of or lack of financial support to the ministry.
  • We will teach the blessing in giving and challenge each believer to trust in the Lord.
  • We will provide loving and sensitive resources to enhance the financial health of each believer and the community in which we serve.

What WE love – WE Cheerfully Support with a Combination of All 3 (Time, Talent, Treasure).



We at TLCC are not in conflict with the two co-existing together and understand that:

1. Tithing 10% has its origin in the Old Testament under the Mosaic Law
instituted by Moses through the leading of God.

  • In its origin, Israel’s tithe was over 22%, and the people were to take care of the Levites whose chief responsibility was unto the Lord; and, who were not permitted to own land. The Levites then tithed 10% into the storehouse of the Lord- This is the biblical Tithe.
  • Today, even though the Concept of Tithing (or giving a portion of your best) predates the conditional requirements of the Mosaic Law (Genesis 14-Melchizedek), and of course Malachi (Mal 3:8-12) by hundreds of years it remains a hot topic.

Today, even though the Concept of Tithing (or giving a portion of your best)predates the conditional requirements of the Mosaic Law (Genesis 14-Melchizedek), and of course Malachi (Mal 3:8-12) by hundreds of years it remains a hot topic.

2. Free Will Giving has its origin in the New Testament and is associated not with the conditional requirements of the Mosaic Law, but as an extension/condition of a heart full of reverent appreciation of the giving nature and Agape Love of God; through, the costly sacrifice and agonizing death of Jesus on the cross for OUR Freedom.

Although the New Testament does not command Tithing as a conditional requirement, the principle of committed financial support, or generosity of sowing/giving are frequently addressed by Jesus and others in the New Testament.
